In the Moment

Have you noticed that there is enough happening in one day to focus on,

and if we try to carry the past, or worry about future events.....we get a little

off kilter? Recently I started a podcast called, The Resilient Pathway to

Happy Work & Life. I continue to get feedback from the skeptics and this

is very helpful to me so I can address it. Happiness is a science, choice,

& skill...meaning not an emotion. There is a correlation between our

thoughts, feelings, & bodies. Neuroscience is increasingly pointing to t

he fact that what we think rewires our brain. There is even research in

psychology studying brain development in young children with findings

that play & interaction forms the brain in the formative years. 


All we can do is focus on today, as this is all we have. Jesus told us in

Matthew 6:24, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will

worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble on its own."


Today let's take care of what we need to, and remember to breathe. 

Our happiness is formed when we choose to be present in the here

& now, making the best of every moment. These are difficult moments

in my life currently, and I find the irony that I am studying happiness,

healthy culture development with mindset. Resilience is the key to

a pathway filled with love, hope and yes, happiness.


Please listen to my podcast, 'The Resilient Pathway,' now on multiple 

platforms for more!