The V of PERMA

There is importance of bodily movement 
as we acquire lives that flourish. Martin
Seligman has a goal for the world
population to flourish... and his goal is
51% by 2051 in the world flourishing.
This is defined as fully living meaningful,
lives according to the PERMA model. The
Flourishing Center’s founder Emiliya
expanded the PERMA model to include 
V for Vitality! This describes movement as 
essential to Vitality, (PERMA-V: Training with 
Rigor & Vigor by Elaine O’Brien 11/19/14.)

Medical experts agree exercise is a key to
physical as well as mental health. Movement
is key to Vitality!

When we think of Vitality, what else comes to
mind? Webster’s dictionary defines this as
‘lively, power of enduring, capacity to live 
and develop.’ It is to err to believe we 
age and stop learning, or know enough.
Adolescence  isn’t the only time we grow!
We grow throughout life..... meaning the
best years are yet to come!

Studying and applying the principles of 
PERMA leads to the V... Vitality!!!!