Success & Accomplishments

I would like to share another insightful 
conversation I had with a great leader 
in my life. He was a college professor 
who taught me about psychology,
counseling, and faith. I will ever forget
when he shared with our class what the
most empty day of his life was. He shared
when he received his PhD in Psychology,
there was such an empty feeling. He had
thought this would bring him fulfillment,
and this great accomplishment did not.
A in PERMA stands for Accomplishment.
Again, as a Christian I would say to him,
only what we accomplish for Him matters.
God created the earth, and family is from
Him. Simply having a family brings great
accomplishment. The focus of our lives
needs to be on Jesus, what He wants. 
When we accomplish what He wants, them
we will bring Him glory (not to ourselves). 
This is the core to accomplishing something 
meaningful in life!