Relationships: Keeping it Positive with Holidays

The R in PERMA stands for positive 
relationships. We hear a lot about toxic
relationships, and how to know if some-
one is a narcissist, is gaslighting, 
co-dependent etc. What about having a
focus on fostering and acknowledging 
with gratitude the positive relationships 
in our life.

Positive relationships go two ways, and we
have our own responsibility for our part. Even
though we cannot control the other person’s
response, we can reinforce positivity shown 
by others by showing gratitude.

We are talking about Holidays and Positive
psychology. When family gets together, a
lot of issues can arise. It is important how we
respond to one another. It is not so important
or memorable to be right, in control, or keep
up with the Jones’. Remember today we have
skyrocketing suicide rates. Let’s focus on what 
matters, and have close confidants, who can 
help us stay focused on this when we get

Please, thank you... goes a long way! Let’s 
role model to others the positivity we want