
Life has a purpose, and regardless of 
where we are, there is purpose. In school
we learned that community is our family,
neighborhood, school, work, city, county,
state, country, world..... this is our 
community. God wants us to be, just
be with Him in relationship. 

Positive psychology talks about how 
we, as human beings, can have purpose
and well being. The principles of focusing
on well being, meaning, achievements,
all together lead to wellness.

God is light. He agrees. Study light! Study 
what is good. Study what brings life. This
is the key. He is His Word.

His words are life to those who find them and
health to all their flesh. Proverbs 4:22.

Study the light! Find Him! Focus on wellness.

Move on from the past. All we have is today.

In our Happiness Workshop we study these 
concepts and more! Members report 
improvement in well being.

Contact us today for a quick consultation
to learn more about our workshop!

Alexia Georghiou,MA &
Jibby Redfield,LCSW

Your Life Betterment Through God Team

Then Christ will make His home in your hearts, as you trust in Him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love, and keep you strong….Ephesians 3:17
