The laws of gravity

So, It’s not that God is saying my way or
the highway... He has put laws in order 
that He cannot change. For example...
gravity... the law is in order.... do we question
it.... or say... it’s not fair! .... or vilify our 
Creator for gravity laws? No one likes 
it when someone falls and gets hurt and
do we blame God for it... Nope... we
understand there are laws in the universe
explained by Physics. The same with 
Spiritual laws.... He set them in order....
If we walk according to those laws, then 
life goes well! If we defy the laws, there are
natural consequences to bare. He didn’t 
do it, nor did He will it so.... WE chose to
defy the law in place. What is the spiritual 
law? Love Him and love people! The more
I purpose to walk in His ways, naturally life
gets so much easier. I am not fighting
against the spiritual laws... I am flowing 
with them. And naturally, I respect gravity,
and know not to test it out! This results in 
my safety!❤️