Created for His Glory

All of us, every single human being.... 
He made us in His image for His glory.... 
not our own. 

When I look at people I wonder how amazing 
He is. All of us have a unique fingerprint. 
How can a Big Bang of matter cause that? 
ET..... connected with humans as an alien.
During the time, we all saw the movie, we
were all moved. And previous to that, First 
Encounters of the Third Kind. Movies about 
connection with what we do not understand.
We don’t have to understand Him. He said
the carnal mind is enmity with God....
meaning we cannot understand Him with our
logic. God is a spirit. We, created in His image,
are also a spirit being. We have a soul, live in 
a body. The key to connection with God, tune
in with our spirit, our heart. Stop trying to
comprehend! We cannot... He said so. This is
so abstract... and we just have to trust like a
child trusts we will feed them, care for them,
clothe them.... they play.... they do not have 
the ability to care for themselves. 

He is a good Father who wants to connect 
with us. This sounds cheesy, and it is the illustration going through my head....

ET phone home...

How they connect! 

He wants to connect with us.

He is reaching out from heaven, are we 
reaching back? Start today.... tell Him by 
Faith.... ‘ I am reaching back up to you Father.’

All available to us because of Jesus.

Faith is not easy.... we believe and do not see...
He rewards those who diligently seek Him!
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you!