Happiness in Pain.... (what)???

When I initially watched the Ted Talk on the Harvard Happiness study, I was baffled by the findings that those who experienced connection 
reported happiness even though they were in
physical  pain.

Specifically these were part of the findings:

  1. Those experiencing days of physical pain stayed happy for those who were in warm relationships.
  2. Those experiencing days of physical pain in conflictual relationships were depressed.
  3. Arguments are ok as long as they problem solved through it to get along.
Any time I am baffled, God has mercy and breaks things down for me. I met two ladies with muscular distrophy. They both shared 
pictures of significant others, family, friends,
pets. They struggled in pain to move, and 
yet when they sat down, they shared how
connected and loved and supported they
are! Priceless.... I saw and heard true 
happiness. They just kept sharing, showing
pictures, laughing, talking.

The younger of the two shared how she was diagnosed with MS two years ago when her
baby was 9 months old. She had just left an
abusive relationship with the baby’s dad.
Whew did she have gratitude for her mom
who helps care for her child. She also
smiled telling me her toddler is intuitive 
enough to slow down and wait for mom
finding movement empathy of sorts. Ha!
and what do we have to complain about?

I believe happiness is based in connection
and a frame of mind being full of